
What is TrotecMix?

How can you make top-quality, circular animal feed and at the same time use primary resources sustainably? TrotecMix offers the answer. 

  • Nutritious, high-energy ingredient for animal feed
  • Made from former foodstuffs, such as biscuits, bread, chocolate, pasta, breakfast cereals
  • Maximum nutritional value thanks to a self-developed technological process
  • Perfect microbiological quality and high digestibility thanks to our indirect drying process

TrotecMix can be used as a substitute for primary raw materials, such as maize, wheat, barley and even sugar and palm oil.

The advantages of TrotecMix

As a basic raw material for animal feed, TrotecMix has a number of particularly attractive, sustainable qualities.

  • High energy value and tasteful, the appropriate substitute for primary raw materials 
  • Enriched with fatty substances, resulting in a better energy yield (up to 5 times more than wheat and barley).
  • A constant composition, thanks to an efficient formulation and multiple NIR measurements during the production process.
  • Long shelf life, with microbiological stability thanks to the indirect thermal treatment.
  • Homogeneous granulometry, resulting in optimal operational characteristics and fluidity in the hopper silo.
  • A circular raw material, produced from local former foodstuffs and by-products.
  • Complies with European targets to reduce food waste with 30 per cent by 2025 and with 50 per cent by 2030.

How to use TrotecMix?

  • TrotecMix is suitable for any type of farm animals except for horses.
  • Its purity and high digestibility make TrotecMix the ideal ingredient for piglet feed formulations.
  • TrotecMix is a food source for cattle that is rich in energy, fat and sugars.It makes up for the energy deficit in cereals that are low in slow starches and high in fibre.

Composition of TrotecMix

11% raw fat

12% raw protein

52% starch and sugars

92% dry matter

Garantie van stabiele samenstellingTrotecMix

De nutritionele waarden worden in het productieproces gemeten en geanalyseerd met NIR-technologie (Near Infra Red). De metingen gebeuren gemiddeld 2 maal per seconde. De resultaten worden maandelijks door een extern labo geaccrediteerd.

Interested to know what we can do for you? 

Let us convince you of the quality of our TrotecMix. Would you like more technical specifications? Let’s get in touch.