Proud Trotectors of circular ingredients

Trotec protects valuable food products that are no longer fit for human consumption. We reduce the carbon footprint by processing these food losses into circular low-carbon feed ingredients.

Master in circular ingredients

For 55 years, Trotec has been striving for zero food waste by converting former foodstuffs into high-quality circular feed ingredients. With decades of experience, Trotec has become a specialist in sustainable food cycles, reducing food waste and providing sustainable solutions to the agricultural sector. This enduring commitment to innovation and circular processes allows Trotec to rightfully claim the title of 'master' in its field.

100% circular ingredient

Unique proprietary process

Full partnership

AI controlled filling systems

Advice & technical support

High product quality

What makes Trotec unique to the food industry

Trotec, your zero food waste partner

Food is too valuable to end up as waste. Trotec keeps former foodstuffs and production failures within the food chain by processing these products into a high-quality circular ingredient for animal feed. These animals in turn provide milk, meat and eggs for the food industry.
However, Trotec goes beyond processing former food stuffs into animal feed. 
Trotec is also committed to:

  • reducing your food losses and production failures
  • a total approach of large by-product and food loss related projects (innovation, integration, automation, optimisation and prevention)
  • a full partnership with tailor-made collection installations, filling systems, weighing modules, registration systems, automatic full reports, ...
  • a punctual and reliable logistical support
  • an accessible and deployable technical maintenance team
  • unique support with regard to legislation, food safety and quality

Thus, Trotec not only relieves you of these products but can also reduce production losses. Moreover, Trotec calculates the real sustainability impact of your company. In turn, these can then be used in your company's sustainability and general reports.

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What makes Trotec unique to the animal feed industry

100% circular & low CO2 feed ingredient

TrotecMix is a top-quality circular feed ingredient that will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of your animal feed. Made from plant-based former foodstuffs, it is a sustainable product and 100% situated within the circular economy. 

On top of this, TrotecMix is also:

  • a nutritious and high-energy ingredient with a constant composition and homogeneous granulometry that results in good fluidity properties in the hopper silo
  • an ingredient with perfect microbiological stability, optimal digestibility and long shelf life thanks to an indirect thermal process
  • composed of fat- and sugar-rich products, providing a high energy yield (up to 5 times more than wheat and barley)
  • FCA, GMP+ and GMO controlled according to GMP+ FRA MI 5.4 certification 
  • manufactured from products and ingredients originally intended for human consumption, and therefore meeting the strictest quality standards.

TrotecMix can be used to replace primary feed crops such as corn, wheat, barley and even sugar and palm oil. 

Studies calculating the amount of CO2 emissions for manufacturing TrotecMix show that using TrotecMix significantly reduces the carbon footprint of your animal feed. Contact us for precise figures.

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Our positive impact 

What can we do for you?

Are you active in the food industry and do you want to know how Trotec can help you towards a zero food waste policy? Or are you a producer of animal feed and do you want to know more about our high-quality circular ingredients that reduce the carbon footprint of your feed?

Let’s meet.